Katie Lynn Cantwell Butterfield

Research Experience:

  • Research Skills:
    SAS, STATA, R, RStudio, SPSS, SQL, ArcGIS, ATLAS.ti, Qualtrics, online surveys, linear & logistic regression, structural equation modeling, multi-level modeling, meta-analysis, item response theory, geographic information system, spatial analysis & regression, content analysis, remote interviews, ethnography, focus groups, participant observation

  • Postdoctoral Scholar (2023 - present)
  • Agricultural Sustainability Institute - University of California, Davis
    Academic Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Galt
    Lead a mixed-methods project exploring market data use/needs and pricing strategies in California’s organic agrifood industry. Findings inform improvements to USDA organic data offerings and expansion of California's organic industry.

  • Research Data Analyst II (2021 - 2023)
  • CalFresh and Nutrition Branch - California Department of Social Services
    Tracked various quantitative metrics and led multiple quantitative projects that directly informed leadership’s work to improve equitable food access in California, including a multi-level modeling analysis of the effectiveness of county business practices.

  • Graduate Student Researcher (Spring 2021)
  • University of California, Merced
    Academic Supervisor: Dr. Zulema Valdez
    Supported the curation of web resources on faculty diversity in hiring and retention and the development of assessment tools and evaluative research for related programs.

  • Staff Research Associate (Summer 2020)
  • University of California, Merced
    Academic Supervisor: Dr. Whitney Pirtle
    Drafted a structural equation model to clarify how racial identity mediates the relationship between racial discrimination and poor health.

  • Staff Research Associate (Summer 2015; Summer 2019)
  • University of California, Merced
    Academic Supervisor: Dr. Zulema Valdez
    Led a mixed-methods project exploring the experiences and values of community gardeners and the perceived health impacts of their garden participation.

  • Graduate Student Researcher (Fall 2017)
  • University of California, Merced
    Academic Supervisor: Dr. A Susana Ramírez
    Performed factor analysis and linear and logistic regressions to assess the relationship between perceptions of neighborhood health and attributions of health responsibilities.

  • Staff Research Associate (Spring 2015)
  • University of California, Merced
    Academic Supervisors: Dr. Nella Van Dyke & Dr. Kyle Dodson
    Collected and cleaned missing values from a nation-wide historical dataset on hate crimes and related laws. Compiled and prepared data for analysis.

Teaching Experience:

  • Teaching Fellow - Instructor of Record (2017 - 2020)
  • University of California, Merced

  • Introduction to Sociology (Summer 2018, Summer 2019, Summer 2020)
    This course provides an introduction to applying the “sociological imagination” and exploring how individual behaviors are influenced by society.

  • Statistics for Sociology (Spring 2019; Spring 2020)
    This course introduces the logic and use of statistical techniques in social research, including descriptive, comparative, and inferential statistics, and the use of applicable software (SPSS, SAS).

  • Advanced Race & Ethnicity (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
    This course examines in depth the main classical and modern explanations of the issues surrounding race and ethnicity.

  • Sociology of Race & Racism (Spring 2018)
    This course provides insight into how race and racism define our lives through systemic and structural racism, racial categorization, ethnic identification, nativism, and intersecting oppressions.

  • Teaching Assistant (2014 - 2016)
  • University of California, Merced

  • Graduate Statistics I (Spring 2017)
    This course in social statistics is required of graduate students in Sociology and takes a systematic approach to the general linear model for continuous dependent variables.

  • Sociological Research Methods (Spring 2016)
    This course provides students with a basic understanding of how to conduct social science research.

  • Statistics for Sociology (Spring 2015, Fall 2016)
    This course introduces the logic and use of statistical techniques in sociological research.

  • Advanced Race & Ethnicity (Fall 2015)
    This course examines in depth the main classical and modern explanations of the issues surrounding Race and Ethnicity.

  • Introduction to Sociology (Fall 2014)
    This course introduces the study of groups, culture, collective behavior, classes and caste, community and ecology, role, status, and personality.

Other Experience

Code for America Volunteer (2020-2021)
Organizer for UC Community Economies Network (2019-2021)
UC Merced Sociology Graduate Student Committee Internal Graduate Student Representative (2018-2019)
UC Merced Healthy Campus Network Committee (2017-2019)
UC Merced Sociology Graduate Student Committee President (2017-2018)
Insight Garden Program Volunteer (Fall 2017)
UC Merced Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (Fall 2016)
UC Merced Graduate Student Association Academic Affairs Officer (Fall 2016)
UC Merced Graduate Student Association Sociology Delegate (2015-2016)