Research Experience:
- Research Skills:
SAS, STATA, R, RStudio, SPSS, SQL, ArcGIS, ATLAS.ti, Qualtrics, online surveys, linear & logistic
regression, structural equation modeling, multi-level modeling, meta-analysis, item response
theory, geographic information system, spatial analysis & regression, content analysis, remote
interviews, ethnography, focus groups, participant observation
- Postdoctoral Scholar (2023 - present)
- Agricultural Sustainability Institute -
University of California, Davis
Academic Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Galt
Lead a mixed-methods project exploring market data use/needs and pricing strategies
in California’s organic agrifood industry. Findings inform improvements to USDA organic
data offerings and expansion of California's organic industry.
- Research Data Analyst II (2021 - 2023)
- CalFresh and Nutrition Branch -
California Department of Social Services
Tracked various quantitative metrics and led multiple quantitative projects that
directly informed leadership’s work to improve equitable food access in California,
including a multi-level modeling analysis of the effectiveness of county business practices.
- Graduate Student Researcher (Spring 2021)
- University of California, Merced
Academic Supervisor: Dr. Zulema Valdez
Supported the curation of web resources on faculty diversity in hiring and retention and the
development of assessment tools and evaluative research for related programs.
- Staff Research Associate (Summer 2020)
- University of California, Merced
Academic Supervisor: Dr. Whitney Pirtle
Drafted a structural equation model to clarify how racial identity mediates the relationship
between racial discrimination and poor health.
- Staff Research Associate (Summer 2015; Summer 2019)
- University of California, Merced
Academic Supervisor: Dr. Zulema Valdez
Led a mixed-methods project exploring the experiences and values of community gardeners and the
perceived health impacts of their garden participation.
- Graduate Student Researcher (Fall 2017)
- University of California, Merced
Academic Supervisor: Dr. A Susana Ramírez
Performed factor analysis and linear and logistic regressions to assess the relationship between
perceptions of neighborhood health and attributions of health responsibilities.
- Staff Research Associate (Spring 2015)
- University of California, Merced
Academic Supervisors: Dr. Nella Van Dyke & Dr. Kyle Dodson
Collected and cleaned missing values from a nation-wide historical dataset on hate crimes and
related laws. Compiled and prepared data for analysis.